25 Reasons Why Banks May Reject Your Home Loan Application
25 Reasons Why Banks May Reject Your Home Loan Application
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Discover common 25 reasons why home loan applications are rejected and learn how to improve your chances of approval.
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background-color appears 61 time, density: 2.72%
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» 25 Reasons Why Banks May Reject Your Home Loan Application
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🢬 1.Poor Credit Score
🢬 2.High debttoincome ratio
🢬 3. Insufficient Income
🢬 4. Unstable employment history
🢬 5. Large outstanding debts
🢬 6. Low Down Payment
🢬 7. High Loan to Value Ratio
🢬 8. Issues with Property
🢬 9. Incomplete or incorrect documentation
🢬 10. Recent bankruptcy
🢬 11. Foreclosure History
🢬 12. High application fees
🢬 13. Unverifiable assets
🢬 14. Unstable financial situation
🢬 15. Inadequate savings
🢬 16. Inconsistent Income Sources
🢬 17. Over Extension of Credit
🢬 18. Nonresidents status
🢬 19. Discrepancies in your financial History
🢬 20. Previous loan Defaults
🢬 21. Lack of Verification
🢬 22. Property appraisal issues
🢬 23. Too many recent credit inquiries
🢬 24. Unusual or large transactions
🢬 25. Failure to meet lenders specific criteria
🢬 Recent Posts
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25 Reasons Why Banks May Reject Your Home Loan Application
Discover common 25 reasons why home loan applications are rejected and learn how to improve your chances of approval. . . .
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Web Page Size : 146307 Bytes
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Words on Page : 2176 words
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