How to use Q-switched ND YAG laser to treat café au lait spots?
How to use Q-switched ND YAG laser to treat café au lait spots?
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Guide to Q-switched ND YAG laser treatment of Café au lait spots, 1064 nm laser with large light spot and low energy density effectively removes pigment spots.
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laser appears 81 time, density: 1.35%
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» How to use Qswitched ND YAG laser to treat café au lait spots?
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🢬 1. What are cafe au lait spots?
🢬 2. The principle of Qswitched Nd YAG laser treatment of cafe au lait spots.
🢬 3. When using laser to treat cafe au lait spots, should a large or small light spot be used?
🢬 4. What is the endpoint reaction of laser treatment for café au lait spots?
🢬 5. Why is 1064 nm laser more effective in treating café au lait spots?
🢬 6. Answers to common questions about cafe au lait spots.
🢬 7. Summary of laser treatment of café au lait spots.
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How to use Q-switched ND YAG laser to treat café au lait spots?
Guide to Q-switched ND YAG laser treatment of Café au lait spots, 1064 nm laser with large light spot and low energy density effectively removes pigment spots. . . .
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