HRTech Interview with Nisha Smales, Vice President of Workforce Solutions and Corporate Strategy at Instride
HRTech Interview with Nisha Smales, Vice President of Workforce Solutions and Corporate Strategy at Instride
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Explore Nisha’s inspiring journey from educator to VP at InStride, where she drives impactful workforce education solutions that align with company goals, talent development
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🢭 HRTech Interview with Sean Vassilaros, CEO of KANNY
🢭 HRTech Interview with Dr. Lindsey Zuloaga, Chief Data Scientist at HireVue
🢭 HRTech Interview with Kenny Freestone, Chief Product Officer at Eddy
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🢭 HRTech Interview with Sagar Khatri, CEO of Multiplier
🢭 Daxtra Named Accelerator in Nucleus Research 2024 Talent Matrix
🢭 IEA Training and PIHRA announced partnership
🢭 Atos: Device lifespan can double while enhancing user satisfaction.
🢭 New Study Unveils HumanFirst Strategy for AIFuelled Future of Work
🢭 YouScience Expands Workforce Capabilities with ‘Brightpath for Workforce’
🢭 HRTech Interview with Dr. Lindsey Zuloaga, Chief Data Scientist at HireVue
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HRTech Interview with Nisha Smales, Vice President of Workforce Solutions and Corporate Strategy at Instride
Explore Nisha's inspiring journey from educator to VP at InStride, where she drives impactful workforce education solutions that align with company goals, talen . . .
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Web Page Size : 170447 Bytes
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