
180 day Action Plan to Clear UPSC Prelims 2023 – Vajirao IAS Academy | Blog

November 24, 2022: 13:01:29 PM, Posted on Education By Subham

This is a step-by-step action plan to clear the UPSC Prelims in 180 days. The plan includes a study schedule, mock tests, and tips to improve your score.



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180 day Action Plan to Clear UPSC Prelims 2023 – Vajirao IAS Academy | Blog

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This is a step-by-step action plan to clear the UPSC Prelims in 180 days. The plan includes a study schedule, mock tests, and tips to improve your score.

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» 180 day Action Plan to Clear UPSC Prelims 2023

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🢬 180 days to success

🢬 The UPSC Prelims: An Overview

🢬 Day 130: Develop a Study Plan

🢬 Day 3160: Start practicing mock tests

🢬 Day 6190: Analyze your performance and improve weak areas

🢬 Day 91120: Refine your strategy

🢬 Day 121150: Consolidate your Learning

🢬 Day 151180: Revision and Final Preparations

🢬 Continue Reading

🢬 Recent Posts

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🢭 Conclusion: Believe in yourself and Stay Focused

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› Best Tips to Boost Your Memory for Clearing UPSC CSE

› Best Tips to Boost Your Memory for Clearing UPSC CSE

› 7 Smart Strategies to crack UPSC CSE 2023

› You may have missed

› 180 day Action Plan to Clear UPSC Prelims 2023

› Best Tips to Boost Your Memory for Clearing UPSC CSE

› 7 Smart Strategies to crack UPSC CSE 2023

› Common Myths Regarding UPSC Preparation

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› Tips to Change UPSC Preparation Strategy after Failed Attempts

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180 day Action Plan to Clear UPSC Prelims 2023 – Vajirao IAS Academy | Blog
This is a step-by-step action plan to clear the UPSC Prelims in 180 days. The plan includes a study schedule, mock tests, and tips to improve your score. . . .
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