Catch the perfect pitch session on 23 January at Jaipur literature festival » Information Glob
Catch the perfect pitch session on 23 January at Jaipur literature festival » Information Glob
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The Perfect Pitch, a mentorship initiative by Penguin in association with Jaipur Literature Festival and supported by The Editor Recommends, is proud to announce the five finalists who will present their pitch to a jury at an exclusive session at 3 pm on Monday, 23 January 2023.
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» Catch the perfect pitch session on 23 January at Jaipur literature festival
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› Here are the profiles of the jury members of The Perfect Pitch
› Tanuj Solanki
› Arunava Sinha
› Elizabeth Kuruvilla
› Gurveen Chadha
› The finalists
› Day 3 of Jaipur Literature Festival 2023 features a gamut of ideas
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Catch the perfect pitch session on 23 January at Jaipur literature festival » Information Glob
The Perfect Pitch, a mentorship initiative by Penguin in association with Jaipur Literature Festival and supported by The Editor Recommends, is proud to announc . . .
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Web Page Size : 119450 Bytes
Code Size : 107916 Bytes
Text Size : 11534 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 9.66%
Words on Page : 1700 words
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