Hotel Extranet | Tour Extranet | Transfer Extranet
Hotel Extranet | Tour Extranet | Transfer Extranet
The title of your web page has a length of 50 characters. Most search engines will truncate the title to 70 characters.
Hotel Extranet is a hotel reservation system where travel agent upload real-time inventory of their partner and supplier and give them access to their online system, so they can put the information about the accommodation, tour, transfer, rates and special deals.
The meta description of your web page has a length of 263 characters. Most search engines will truncate the meta description to 160 characters.
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Your web page has not used H1 tags.
Your web page has H2 tag below.
🢬 Hotel Extranet
🢬 Tour Extranet
🢬 Transfer Extranet
Your web page has H3 tag below.
🢭 What is Hotel Extranet?
🢭 Which Information Store in Hotel Extranet?
🢭 How to work Hotel Extranet?
🢭 What are the key features of Hotel Extranet?
🢭 Realtime data and inventory
🢭 Easily access Agent Dashboard
🢭 Auto email notification
🢭 Payment Integration
🢭 Easily Generate Report
🢭 Room Management
🢭 Rate Management
🢭 View confirmed, Modified and Cancelled Booking
🢭 Markup Management
🢭 Special Deal Management
🢭 Policy(Cancellation, Terms & Conditions & Child) Management
🢭 How Hotel Extranet beneficial for hotel business?
🢭 What are the key features of Tour Extranet?
🢭 Fully Flexible Solutions
🢭 Real Time Availability
🢭 Pricing Management
🢭 Deals Management
🢭 Markup Management
🢭 Easy Booking Management
🢭 Cancellations Booking Management
🢭 Date wise filter
🢭 Multilanguage capability
🢭 Cancellation Policy Management
🢭 Child Policy Management
🢭 Multicurrency features
🢭 How Tour Extranet beneficial?
🢭 What are the key features of transfer extranet?
🢭 Advance search available with multiple options
🢭 Get overview of Driver Required, Guide Required, Cancelled, Completed
🢭 See overview of pickup location chart
🢭 Provide the data of hotels for preferred pick up location
🢭 Get the real time data at recent transfer activities
🢭 Provide data of running transfer status (Driver Required, Assigned, Cancelled, Completed)
🢭 Private and group transfer bookings
🢭 Easily Generate different Report
🢭 How Transfer Extranet beneficial?
Your web page has H4 tag below.
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Google Search Results Preview
Hotel Extranet | Tour Extranet | Transfer Extranet
Hotel Extranet is a hotel reservation system where travel agent upload real-time inventory of their partner and supplier and give them access to their online sy . . .
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Web Page Size : 38790 Bytes
Code Size : 31409 Bytes
Text Size : 7381 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 19.03%
Words on Page : 1013 words
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