
Ana Egge on Lessons in Poland From a Past That Haunts the Present – No Depression

January 5, 2023: 10:12:38 AM, Posted on Business By nodepression

As I reflect on this trip now, around the Jewish High Holidays, I think about Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. A time of annual introspection. A time for accepting responsibility for our actions through prayers and confession.



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As I reflect on this trip now, around the Jewish High Holidays, I think about Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. A time of annual introspection. A time for accepting responsibility for our actions through prayers and confession.

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Ana Egge on Lessons in Poland From a Past That Haunts the Present – No Depression
As I reflect on this trip now, around the Jewish High Holidays, I think about Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. A time of annual introspection. A time for accep . . .
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