
B Tech CSE with Cyber Security | MUIT Noida – Maharishi University of Information Technology

July 23, 2024: 12:10:46 PM, Posted on Education By premmuit

Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) has been offering cybersecurity courses as a specialization area in its undergraduate program since the year 2014. Our alumni are playing significant roles in the industry and academia. Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) also offers industry-sponsored MTech Cyber ​​Security programs. Shikhil Sharma and Anand Krishna, alumni of Maharishi…



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B Tech CSE with Cyber Security | MUIT Noida – Maharishi University of Information Technology

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Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) has been offering cybersecurity courses as a specialization area in its undergraduate program since the year 2014. Our alumni are playing significant roles in the industry and academia. Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) also offers industry-sponsored MTech Cyber ​​Security programs. Shikhil Sharma and Anand Krishna, alumni of Maharishi…

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B Tech CSE with Cyber Security | MUIT Noida – Maharishi University of Information Technology
Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) has been offering cybersecurity courses as a specialization area in its undergraduate program since the ye . . .
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