Bardia Jungle Safari | 4-Day Jungle Safari in Bardia
December 2, 2022: 07:58:39 AM, Posted on Travel
By Outfitterhimalaya
Bardia Jungle Safari Tour is a 4-day Jungle Safari in Bardia National Park in Nepal. About 70% of the land of the Bardia National Park is covered with Sal jungle, and the remaining 30% is a mixture of grassland and savannah forest. The Bardia Jungle Safari – 4 Days Tour is available every day from Outfitter Himalaya.
Bardia Jungle Safari | 4-Day Jungle Safari in Bardia
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Bardia Jungle Safari Tour is a 4-day Jungle Safari in Bardia National Park in Nepal. About 70% of the land of the Bardia National Park is covered with Sal jungle, and the remaining 30% is a mixture of grassland and savannah forest. The Bardia Jungle Safari – 4 Days Tour is available every day from Outfitter Himalaya.
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bardia appears 48 time, density: 1.57%
jungle appears 47 time, density: 1.53%
bhutan appears 32 time, density: 1.05%
tournepal appears 32 time, density: 1.05%
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» Bardia Jungle Safari
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🢬 Bardia Jungle Safari Overview
🢬 The Bardia National Park
🢬 Things you can do on Bardia Jungle Safari
🢬 Similar Trips
🢬 Ask a Question
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🢭 Walking/hiking in Bardia Jungle Safari
🢭 Fishing in Bardia Jungle Safari
🢭 Bird Watching in Bardia Jungle Safari
🢭 Visit the Tharu Cultural Museum
🢭 Visit Crocodile Breeding Center in Bardia Jungle Safari
🢭 Visit Elephant Breeding Center while on Bardia Jungle Safari
🢭 Village walks & bicycling in Bardia Tour
🢭 Elephant Safari in Bardia Jungle Safari Tour
🢭 Day 1:Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalganj & Transfer to Bardia
🢭 Day 2:Full Day Jungle Activities in Bardia National Park
🢭 Day 3:Another Day for jungle activities in Bardia
🢭 Day 4:Transfer to Nepalganj airport and fly to Kathmandu
🢭 Is the offered itinerary not suitable for you?
🢭 Destinations
🢭 Useful Links
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› Chitwan Jungle Safari
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Bardia Jungle Safari | 4-Day Jungle Safari in Bardia
Bardia Jungle Safari Tour is a 4-day Jungle Safari in Bardia National Park in Nepal. About 70% of the land of the Bardia National Park is covered with Sal jungl . . .
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