
Best School Management System in Kenya | JibuSMS

December 30, 2022: 11:12:40 AM, Posted on Tech By jibusms

Get the best School Management System in Kenya having all essential features. This School management software helps to efficiently run your school remotely.



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Best School Management System in Kenya | JibuSMS

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Meta Description Tag

Get the best School Management System in Kenya having all essential features. This School management software helps to efficiently run your school remotely.

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ᐅ School Management System
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» AllInOne College and School Management Software

H2 Heading Tag
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🢬 Welcome ! JibuSMS, the best school management software in Kenya is offered to you by Advanta Africa through partnership with international partners.

🢬 AllInOne School Management Software that enables Virtual learning.

🢬 Jibusms Pro Plus plan offers

🢬 Smart School Management System JibuSMS Mobile App

🢬 Why Jibu School Management Software?

🢬 Register today

🢬 What Students Says

🢬 Clients using Advanta Africa solutions include:

🢬 Having any questions? Let's talk

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› Starts from Kes 500 per student per term.

› Phillip Gitahi

› Stephanie Moige

› What is a school management app for android?

› Can you secure the school management app data?

› What are the modes of payment available?

› Do you provide support services?

› Does the school management app have a backup facility?

› Contact Information

Google Search Results Preview
Best School Management System in Kenya | JibuSMS
Get the best School Management System in Kenya having all essential features. This School management software helps to efficiently run your school remotely. . . .
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Web Page Size : 65089 Bytes
Code Size : 59025 Bytes
Text Size : 6064 Bytes
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Words on Page : 1007 words
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