April 6, 2023: 06:27:23 AM, Posted on News
By ericfrancis
Bhoomi pooja is an important ritual that is performed before constructing a home. This ceremony honours the Mother Earth and purifies the land of any negative
Bhoomi Pooja
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Bhoomi pooja is an important ritual that is performed before constructing a home. This ceremony honours the Mother Earth and purifies the land of any negative
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» Bhoomi Pooja
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🢬 1. Shubh Muhurat
🢬 2. Vaastu Purush
🢬 3. Vastu Dosha
🢬 4. Vastu Purush’s Blessings
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Bhoomi Pooja
Bhoomi pooja is an important ritual that is performed before constructing a home. This ceremony honours the Mother Earth and purifies the land of any negative . . .
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Web Page Size : 344998 Bytes
Code Size : 184440 Bytes
Text Size : 160558 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 46.54%
Words on Page : 18365 words
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