Construction Manager Company vs General Contracting Services
April 27, 2023: 12:57:26 PM, Posted on Business
By MarwoodConstruction
There are many fine line differences between a company that offers construction manager services and a general contracting services company. Many of the difference comes down to the financial risk and responsibility associated with the construction cost and the relationship between the construction manager and the owner in contrast to the owner’s relationship with the
Construction Manager Company vs General Contracting Services
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There are many fine line differences between a company that offers construction manager services and a general contracting services company. Many of the difference comes down to the financial risk and responsibility associated with the construction cost and the relationship between the construction manager and the owner in contrast to the owner’s relationship with the
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» Construction Manager Company vs General Contracting Services
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🢬 Learn the differences between a construction manager company and a general contracting services firm
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🢭 What is a General Contractor (GC)?
🢭 What is a Construction Management (CM)?
🢭 Difference between a general contractor and a construction manager
🢭 Which is better, a general contractor or a construction manager?
🢭 A GC may be the right person or company for a construction project if:
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› Construction manager may be the right person for the construction project if:
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Construction Manager Company vs General Contracting Services
There are many fine line differences between a company that offers construction manager services and a general contracting services company. Many of the differe . . .
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