Experience the Luxury 13 days Bird Watching and Cultural Holiday Tour in Bhutan with Langur Eco Travels
Experience the Luxury 13 days Bird Watching and Cultural Holiday Tour in Bhutan with Langur Eco Travels
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Bird watching and cultural holiday tour in Bhutan. Familiarize yourself with mammals and luminous flowers in the pristine environment of Bhutan . Visit our website or call us to book your tickets to gateway to heaven.
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» 13 Days – Luxury Bird Watching and Cultural Holiday in Bhutan
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› Day 1. Arrive Paro from Delhi, Kolkata, Kathmandu or Bangkok
› Day 2. Birding at Chele La (3,988m) and return to Paro, 78 km.
› Day 3. Fly to Bumthang (25 min) and birding along the Selthang La road.
› Day 4. Bumthang to Yongkola, 140 km. Birding along the best birding routes in Bhutan.
› Day 5, 6 & 7. Three full days in Thrumshingla NP, one of the top birding locations in Bhutan.
› Day 8. Yongkola to Bumthang over Thrumshing La (pass), 140 km.
› Day 9. Bumthang to Trongsa via Tharpaling Monastery, 90 km
› Day 10. Trongsa to Phobjikha, 84 km, and visit Gangtey monastery
› Day 11. Phobjikha to Punakha over Lawa La (pass), 85 km
› Day 12. Punakha to Paro, 125 km, birding at Royal Botanical Park
› Day 13. Fly to Delhi, Kolkata, Kathmandu or Bangkok for your onward connections
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Experience the Luxury 13 days Bird Watching and Cultural Holiday Tour in Bhutan with Langur Eco Travels
Bird watching and cultural holiday tour in Bhutan. Familiarize yourself with mammals and luminous flowers in the pristine environment of Bhutan . Visit our webs . . .
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Web Page Size : 130458 Bytes
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