
For Yuri Vanetik, Wine Has Turned Business Into A Cultural Experience

November 10, 2022: 07:31:32 AM, Posted on News By jameswilliam415

A wine collector for over 22 years, Ukranian-American lawyer and former California Lottery Commissioner, Yuri Vanetik shares some entertaining anecdotes about how his love for wine has opened tremendous doors for him in business. According to Vanetik, “Wine transcends culture.”



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For Yuri Vanetik, Wine Has Turned Business Into A Cultural Experience

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A wine collector for over 22 years, Ukranian-American lawyer and former California Lottery Commissioner, Yuri Vanetik shares some entertaining anecdotes about how his love for wine has opened tremendous doors for him in business. According to Vanetik, “Wine transcends culture.”

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ᐅ Yuri Vanetik
ᐅ Arnold Schwarzenegger
ᐅ Eastern Europe
ᐅ Ukrainian
ᐅ wine
ᐅ wine lover
ᐅ ukraine
ᐅ Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
ᐅ burgundy
ᐅ California
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For Yuri Vanetik, Wine Has Turned Business Into A Cultural Experience
A wine collector for over 22 years, Ukranian-American lawyer and former California Lottery Commissioner, Yuri Vanetik shares some entertaining anecdotes about h . . .
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