
Happy Bit: Our Experience with the Anasazi Wilderness Therapy Program – Jen Riday

September 11, 2024: 10:36:28 AM, Posted on News By behavioralhealthprograms

Sometimes teens need a fresh start, a new perspective. After sending 2 teens to a wilderness therapy program, I have a few thoughts on the matter. In this Happy Bit you’ll hear exactly what our 2 teens did on the trail, what we ate when we joined them (hint: think mama bird), and how they’re



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Happy Bit: Our Experience with the Anasazi Wilderness Therapy Program – Jen Riday

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Sometimes teens need a fresh start, a new perspective. After sending 2 teens to a wilderness therapy program, I have a few thoughts on the matter. In this Happy Bit you’ll hear exactly what our 2 teens did on the trail, what we ate when we joined them (hint: think mama bird), and how they’re

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🢬 Links from this Episode:

🢬 How to Subscribe to Vibrant Happy Women:

🢬 Posts navigation

🢬 362: Social Media’s Toxic Impact on Women: An Honest Conversation (with Kara Alaimo)

🢬 361: Flowdreaming: The Secret to Letting Go of Stubborn Life Patterns (with Summer McStravick)

🢬 360: Expanding Your Capacity for Joy (Hitting Max Happiness)

🢬 Lost track of what makes you happy?

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Happy Bit: Our Experience with the Anasazi Wilderness Therapy Program – Jen Riday
Sometimes teens need a fresh start, a new perspective. After sending 2 teens to a wilderness therapy program, I have a few thoughts on the matter. In this Happy . . .
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