
How to Concurrently Write a Peer-Reviewed Article in PhD?

April 1, 2023: 09:35:44 AM, Posted on Education By roman davis

After writing your dissertation, the next most challenging task is to publish a peer-reviewed article from your research.



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After writing your dissertation, the next most challenging task is to publish a peer-reviewed article from your research.

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» How to Concurrently Write a PeerReviewed Article in PhD?

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🢬 What is peer review?

🢬 How to prepare your manuscript for peerreviewed journals:

🢬 Conclusion:

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🢭 Plan your article:

🢭 Do a thorough literature survey of the article:

🢭 Keep your target journal in view:

🢭 Your article should follow the IMRaD format:

🢭 Properly address your problem and solution in the article:

🢭 Proper representation of figures and tables:

🢭 Proper referencing:

🢭 Clarity is necessary:

🢭 Avoid plagiarism:

🢭 Multiple proofreading of your article:

🢭 Discussion with supervisor:

🢭 Seek online article writing services:

🢭 Interesting Facts About the Automobile Industry

🢭 Hard to Believe Stock Market Facts

🢭 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply

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How to Concurrently Write a Peer-Reviewed Article in PhD?
After writing your dissertation, the next most challenging task is to publish a peer-reviewed article from your research. . . .
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