Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek 16 Days Itinerary | Tea House Trek
Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek 16 Days Itinerary | Tea House Trek
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Trekking to the Kanchenjunga is wonderful since it is still remaining as virgin area in the northeastern part of Nepal. It offers unique beauty of nature with beautiful mountains as well as various types of vegetat…
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🢬 16 Days Kanchenjunga North Base camp Trek
🢬 Trip of life time
🢬 Recommended On
🢬 Subscribe and Win a Free Everest Trek!
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🢭 We Offer Group Discount
🢭 All Inclusive Cost
🢭 16 Days Kanchenjunga North Base camp Trek
🢭 Day 1 : Fly from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur (45 min) & drive to Taplejung/Suketar (2,420m) Duration: 810 hours.
🢭 Day 2 : Trek from Taplejung/Suketar to Sinuwa (9,80m) Duration: 56 hours.
🢭 Day 3 : Trek from Sinuwa to Chiruwa (1,280m) Duration: 56 hours.
🢭 Day 4 : Trek from Chiruwa to Sakathum (1,575m) Duration: 56 hours.
🢭 Day 5 : Trek from Sakathum to Amjilosa (2,310m) Duration: 56 hours.
🢭 Day 6 : Trek from Amjilosa to Gyable (2,730m) Duration: 56 hours.
🢭 Day 7 : Trek from Gyable to Gunsa (3,595m) Duration: 45 hours.
🢭 Day 8 : Acclimatization day in Ghunsa
🢭 Day 9 : Trek from Ghunsa to Kambachen (4,050m) Duration: 56 hours.
🢭 Day 10 : Trek from Kambachen to Lhonak (4,780m) Duration: 34 hours.
🢭 Day 11 : Trek to Kanchenjunga Base Camp (5140m) and return to Lhonak (4,780m) Duration: 67 hours.
🢭 Day 12 : Trek from Lhonak to Ghunsa (3,595m) Duration: 67 hours.
🢭 Day 13 : Trek from Ghunsa to Amjilosa (2,498m) Duration: 67 hours.
🢭 Day 14 : Trek from Amjilosa to Sakathum & drive to Taplejung (1,442m) Duration: 67 hours.
🢭 Day 15 : Drive from Taplejung back to Bhadrapur (2,08m) Duration: 810 hours.
🢭 Day 16 : Fly back from Bhadrapur to Kathmandu; Duration: 45 minutes flight.
🢭 Cost Included in your package:
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🢭 Hotel and Accommodation:
🢭 Meals and drinks during the trek:
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🢭 Physical condition and past experience:
🢭 Remember – The better prepared – the more enjoyable your trek!
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🢭 We Offer Group Discount
🢭 All Inclusive Cost
🢭 Latest Traveller’s Reviews
🢭 United States
🢭 Jan 15, 2020
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› Travel experiences of our clients who recently returned from their trips.
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Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek 16 Days Itinerary | Tea House Trek
Trekking to the Kanchenjunga is wonderful since it is still remaining as virgin area in the northeastern part of Nepal. It offers unique beauty of nature . . .
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Web Page Size : 221081 Bytes
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Words on Page : 4916 words
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