
Listen Different – C-Suite Network™

August 3, 2023: 11:56:07 AM, Posted on Business By kelvinpaulz

Typically, I write about speech. But today I want to take a new look at the role of the listener in leadership communication. As Apple might say, you have to “Listen Different.” Of course, as the speaker you need to present your information in a way that will make sense to that particular listener, which



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Listen Different – C-Suite Network™

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Typically, I write about speech. But today I want to take a new look at the role of the listener in leadership communication. As Apple might say, you have to “Listen Different.” Of course, as the speaker you need to present your information in a way that will make sense to that particular listener, which

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🢬 More Articles by Author

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🢭 Overcoming Adversity

🢭 Do You Respond or React?

🢭 On St. Patty’s Day, Take Control of Your Luck!

🢭 What’s in Your Blind Spot?

🢭 The 40Day Leadership Challenge

🢭 Managing Reverse Culture Shock

🢭 There’s No Crying in Baseball – Or Business

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Listen Different – C-Suite Network™
Typically, I write about speech. But today I want to take a new look at the role of the listener in leadership communication. As Apple might say, you have to � . . .
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