
Living Corporate Life – C-Suite Network™

September 9, 2023: 09:39:30 AM, Posted on Business By kelvinpaulz

Living Corporate Life Are you currently a W2 wage earner or 1099/Sole Proprietor? W2 wages are the highest taxed. The taxes come right off the top and you only have about 3-4 deductions such as a 401k or IRA, Mortgage Interest Deduction, HSA’s. etc. Sole Proprietors only have about 15-30 different deductions that you can



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Living Corporate Life – C-Suite Network™

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Living Corporate Life Are you currently a W2 wage earner or 1099/Sole Proprietor? W2 wages are the highest taxed. The taxes come right off the top and you only have about 3-4 deductions such as a 401k or IRA, Mortgage Interest Deduction, HSA’s. etc. Sole Proprietors only have about 15-30 different deductions that you can

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🢬 More Articles by Author

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🢭 What is the Qualified Business Income Deduction?

🢭 Minimizing Liability Risks: Leveraging an LLC to Lease Vehicles to Your Operating Companies

🢭 Should My Corporation Or LLC Own A Vehicle

🢭  Can a Corporation or LLC build its own Credit? 

🢭 Employing Your Children

🢭 Why Incorporate Or Form An LLC?

🢭 Having A Corporation Or LLC Is Only Beneficial When Used Correctly

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Living Corporate Life – C-Suite Network™
Living Corporate Life Are you currently a W2 wage earner or 1099/Sole Proprietor? W2 wages are the highest taxed. The taxes come right off the top and you only . . .
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