Motivation and Alignment – C-Suite Network™
July 10, 2023: 07:12:13 AM, Posted on Business
By kelvinpaulz
In the previous article on motivation we explored how to motivate your team. This article takes you deeper on the topic of alignment, which is aligning the people on your team with their gifts, contributions, and brilliance. We have discussed internal vs. external motivators and how people are motivated in the long-term intrinsically, from within.
Motivation and Alignment – C-Suite Network™
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In the previous article on motivation we explored how to motivate your team. This article takes you deeper on the topic of alignment, which is aligning the people on your team with their gifts, contributions, and brilliance. We have discussed internal vs. external motivators and how people are motivated in the long-term intrinsically, from within.
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🢭 The Secret to Hiring Cybersecurity Professionals
🢭 What Cybersecurity Professionals Forget to Tell You
🢭 Hackers are Your Friend
🢭 Back on the Horse
🢭 The Gorilla in the Room
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Motivation and Alignment – C-Suite Network™
In the previous article on motivation we explored how to motivate your team. This article takes you deeper on the topic of alignment, which is aligning the peop . . .
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