Nickel Creek Returns With ‘Celebrants,’ Trio’s First Album in Nine Years – No Depression
Nickel Creek Returns With ‘Celebrants,’ Trio’s First Album in Nine Years – No Depression
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After a nine-year break from recording together, the trio of Chris Thile, Sara Watkins, and Sean Watkins is back with a new album, “Celebrants,” which examines the good and not-so-good aspects of togetherness.
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» Nickel Creek Returns With ‘Celebrants,’ Trio’s First Album in Nine Years
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Nickel Creek Returns With ‘Celebrants,’ Trio’s First Album in Nine Years – No Depression
After a nine-year break from recording together, the trio of Chris Thile, Sara Watkins, and Sean Watkins is back with a new album, "Celebrants," which examines . . .
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Web Page Size : 244031 Bytes
Code Size : 234713 Bytes
Text Size : 9318 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 3.82%
Words on Page : 1230 words
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