Tirumala Tirupati VIP Break Darshan Overview – SKT
Tirumala Tirupati VIP Break Darshan Overview – SKT
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Tirupati VIP Break Darshan Ticket Cost: Rs. 500 per person. VIP Break Darshan Timings: Daily at 6 am (Mon-Sun). Note: Saturdays and Sundays may have heavier crowds. Total Darshan Time: Approximately 2 hours 30 mins – 3 hours, including waiting time. Cancellation of Break Darshan: T.T.D may cancel Break Darshan during high crowd days. Donation
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Tirumala Tirupati VIP Break Darshan Overview – SKT
Tirupati VIP Break Darshan Ticket Cost: Rs. 500 per person. VIP Break Darshan Timings: Daily at 6 am (Mon-Sun). Note: Saturdays and Sundays may have heavier cro . . .
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