Top 10 Resorts In Alleppey For Couples & Families | Find in Kerala
Top 10 Resorts In Alleppey For Couples & Families | Find in Kerala
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Looking for the best resort to stay in Alleppey for your Kerala vacation? We have listed the top 10 resorts in Alleppey near backwater or beach.
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» Top 10 Resorts in Alleppey
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🢬 Top 10 Resorts in Alleppey
🢬 1. Punnamada Resort
🢬 2. Coir Village Lake Resort
🢬 3. Sterling Lake Palace Alleppey
🢬 4. Palmgrove Lake Resort
🢬 5. Lake Canopy Alleppey
🢬 6. Marari Beach Resort – CGH Earth
🢬 7. Abad Turtle Beach
🢬 8. Paloma Backwater Resort
🢬 9. Vembanad House Boutique
🢬 10. Purity at Lake Vembanad
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Top 10 Resorts In Alleppey For Couples & Families | Find in Kerala
Looking for the best resort to stay in Alleppey for your Kerala vacation? We have listed the top 10 resorts in Alleppey near backwater or beach. . . .
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