
Top Recycling Startups in India 2022

December 28, 2022: 11:26:57 AM, Posted on Business By ashusyal

India Generates Over 3.3 million metric tons of plastic waste each year. Top 80 recycling startups in India – 1. PHOOL



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India Generates Over 3.3 million metric tons of plastic waste each year. Top 80 recycling startups in India – 1. PHOOL

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» Top 80 Recycling Startups in India 2022

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🢬 2. Kabadiwala

🢬 3. Shayna EcoUnified

🢬 5. Attero Recycling

🢬 7. Banyan Nation

🢬 8. The Shakti Plastic Industries

🢬 9. Lohum Cleantech

🢬 10. TrashCon Labs

🢬 11. 3R Management

🢬 12. BatX Energies

🢬 13. Saahas Zero Waste

🢬 14. Hasiru Dala

🢬 15. Namo Ewaste

🢬 16. Citizengage

🢬 17. Antariksh Waste Ventures

🢬 18. ExtraCarbon

🢬 19. Ishitva Robotic Systems

🢬 20. APChemi

🢬 21. Ziptrax Cleantech

🢬 23. DCC Infra

🢬 24. Infinite Cercle

🢬 26. Zolopik

🢬 27. GEM Enviro Management

🢬 28. Paperman

🢬 29. Vital Waste

🢬 30. Plastics for Change

🢬 31. Eco Recycling

🢬 32. Karma Recycling

🢬 33. INDRA Water

🢬 34. Earth Recycler

🢬 35. Synergy Waste Management

🢬 37. Paterson Energy

🢬 39. RaddiConnect

🢬 40. Carbon Masters

🢬 41. Rexaw Recycling

🢬 42. GSM Plastic Industries

🢬 43. Green Worms

🢬 44. Phabio Enterprise

🢬 45. SmarterHomes

🢬 46. Bare Necessities

🢬 47. Loopworm

🢬 48. PadCare Labs

🢬 49. Spruce Up

🢬 50. PolyCycl

🢬 51. Econiture

🢬 52. Thermowaste Solutions

🢬 54. Scrapbuk

🢬 55. Code Effort

🢬 56. Wild West Innovations

🢬 57. Samudhyoga Waste Chakra

🢬 58. Eco eMarket

🢬 59. Earth Tatva

🢬 60. Breathe Applied Sciences

🢬 62. Zeroplast Labs

🢬 63. MuddleArt

🢬 64. RecycleX

🢬 65. HelpUsGreen

🢬 66. Green Buddies


🢬 66. JB Ecotex

🢬 68. Caro Water

🢬 69. RaddiDedo

🢬 70. Nupur Recyclers

🢬 71. Recycling Villa

🢬 72. Spas Recycling

🢬 73. Econscious

🢬 74. Deluxe Recycling

🢬 76. Zerocircle

🢬 77. Refillable

🢬 78. The Money Bin

🢬 79. Climeto Sustainable Services

🢬 80. Recyteq

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Top Recycling Startups in India 2022
India Generates Over 3.3 million metric tons of plastic waste each year. Top 80 recycling startups in India - 1. PHOOL . . .
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