Udwarthana Ayurvedic Powder Massage Packages in Kerala, Kovalam
December 29, 2022: 09:06:10 AM, Posted on Business
By IdealAyurvedic
Udwarthana is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage below the neck with herbal powders in a direction opposite to the direction of the hair on the body. Udwarthana ayurvedic powder massage is also known as ayurvedic body scrub detailing the particular use of an herbal paste called lepanam, which is prepared from dried herbal powders.
Udwarthana Ayurvedic Powder Massage Packages in Kerala, Kovalam
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Udwarthana is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage below the neck with herbal powders in a direction opposite to the direction of the hair on the body. Udwarthana ayurvedic powder massage is also known as ayurvedic body scrub detailing the particular use of an herbal paste called lepanam, which is prepared from dried herbal powders.
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🢬 Benefits of Udwarthana Ayurvedic Powder Massage:
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Udwarthana Ayurvedic Powder Massage Packages in Kerala, Kovalam
Udwarthana is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage below the neck with herbal powders in a direction opposite to the direction of the hair on the body. Udw . . .
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Web Page Size : 34170 Bytes
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