What Are The Functions Of Different Colors Of Light In LED Phototherapy? – Beauty Machine Manufacturer LitonLaser
What Are The Functions Of Different Colors Of Light In LED Phototherapy? – Beauty Machine Manufacturer LitonLaser
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What are the functions of different color lights (red, blue, yellow, green, near infrared) of LED phototherapy PDT beauty machine? Acne removal, hair growth.
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» What Are The Functions Of Different Colors Of Light In LED Phototherapy?
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🢬 1. Overview of LED PDT phototherapy beauty machine technology.
🢬 2. The main influencing factors of LED photodynamic therapy equipment.
🢬 3. Common color wavelengths and functions of LED photodynamic machines.
🢬 4. More information on LEDPDT phototherapy machines.
🢬 Get In Touch With LITONLASER
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🢭 2.1 Wavelength (color of light).
🢭 2.2 Irradiation intensity (energy or power density).
🢭 2.3 The location depth and wavelength of the target tissue.
🢭 2.4 Effects on surrounding tissue cells.
🢭 3.1 Red light: repair, antiinflammatory, antiaging, hair growth.
🢭 3.2 Blue light: Treat acne and kill bacteria.
🢭 3.3 Yelloworange light: enhance immunity and desensitization, and have a convergence on vascular dilation
🢭 3.4 Green light: evens out skin tone, inhibits pigmentation, and relieves sensitivity
🢭 3.5 Near infrared light.
🢭 4.1 5color LED phototherapy device and 7color LED phototherapy machine.
🢭 4.2 Photoelectric beauty projects of LED photodynamic equipment combined with other machines.
🢭 Get A Free Quote Now !
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What Are The Functions Of Different Colors Of Light In LED Phototherapy? – Beauty Machine Manufacturer LitonLaser
What are the functions of different color lights (red, blue, yellow, green, near infrared) of LED phototherapy PDT beauty machine? Acne removal, hair growth. . . .
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