
Zinc Chloride – Amizara

February 4, 2023: 09:56:30 AM, Posted on Business By amizarachemicals

Technical Data Sheet ZINC CHLORIDE POWDER (ANHYDROUS) APPEARANCE White Crystalline Powder ASSAY 99.25 % Min. IRON (Fe.) 0.0003 % Max. SULPHATE ( as So4) 0.002 % Max. LEAD (as Pb) 0.001 % Max. HEAVY METALS 0.002 % Max. PH. (At 20 o C) 3.52 (20 % [Solution at Room Temperature)] SOLUBILITY SOLUBLE IN WATER MOISTURE 0.4 % HIGLY HYGORSCOPIC MATERIAL



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Zinc Chloride – Amizara

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Technical Data Sheet ZINC CHLORIDE POWDER (ANHYDROUS) APPEARANCE White Crystalline Powder ASSAY 99.25 % Min. IRON (Fe.) 0.0003 % Max. SULPHATE ( as So4) 0.002 % Max. LEAD (as Pb) 0.001 % Max. HEAVY METALS 0.002 % Max. PH. (At 20 o C) 3.52 (20 % [Solution at Room Temperature)] SOLUBILITY SOLUBLE IN WATER MOISTURE 0.4 % HIGLY HYGORSCOPIC MATERIAL

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speciality appears 3 time, density: 1.31%
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» Zinc Chloride

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🢬 Related products

🢬 Ammonium Bicarbonate

🢬 Calcium Carbonate Extra Pure

🢬 Ammonium Chloride Extra Pure

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Zinc Chloride – Amizara
Technical Data Sheet ZINC CHLORIDE POWDER (ANHYDROUS) APPEARANCE White Crystalline Powder ASSAY 99.25 % Min. IRON (Fe.) 0.0003 % Max. SULPHATE ( as So4) 0.002 % . . .
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