About Iman Sandifer | Flickr
September 28, 2022: 09:43:15 AM, Posted on News
By Iman Sandifer
Iman Sandifer is an educator & academic researcher based out of South Florida. Iman is working on the recruitment, retention & support of male educators of color, particularly highlighting black male teachers.
Iman Sandifer grew up in Hallandale Beach. Iman became inspired to help young people reach their full potential because of the adults who helped when no one else would.
About Iman Sandifer | Flickr
The title of your web page has a length of 29 characters. Most search engines will truncate the title to 70 characters.
Iman Sandifer is an educator & academic researcher based out of South Florida. Iman is working on the recruitment, retention & support of male educators of color, particularly highlighting black male teachers.
Iman Sandifer grew up in Hallandale Beach. Iman became inspired to help young people reach their full potential because of the adults who helped when no one else would.
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fflickr appears 37 time, density: 1.19%
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» Iman Sandifer
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About Iman Sandifer | Flickr
Iman Sandifer is an educator & academic researcher based out of South Florida. Iman is working on the recruitment, retention & support of male educators . . .
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Web Page Size : 352445 Bytes
Code Size : 324819 Bytes
Text Size : 27626 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 7.84%
Words on Page : 3103 words
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