
Embraer signs MRO deal with Avantto – Asian Aviation

October 6, 2022: 12:33:58 PM, Posted on Business By AsianAviation

Embraer and Avantto announced the signing of a contract for the Embraer Executive Care Program to support the company’s executive jet fleet.



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Embraer signs MRO deal with Avantto – Asian Aviation

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Embraer and Avantto announced the signing of a contract for the Embraer Executive Care Program to support the company’s executive jet fleet.

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» Embraer signs MRO deal with Avantto

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Embraer signs MRO deal with Avantto – Asian Aviation
Embraer and Avantto announced the signing of a contract for the Embraer Executive Care Program to support the company's executive jet fleet. . . .
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